
This Market is Normal

Fear & Greed

5 tips to IMMEDIATELY prepare for a housing market CRASH

3 Ways to GUARANTEE Profits in today’s Real Estate Market

Uncertainty Today

There is a Lot of Noise Out There!

When is it Time to Panic?

I Love Inflation

Helping hand

Our Expanded Social Media Presence

In addition to a YouTube channel, Shannon Robnett Industries is active on:


A home base for all things SRI, including an e-calendar to book discussions about ground up real estate syndication.


Robnett’s Real Estate Rundow: An audio version of many of our YouTube videos. Ideal to listen to in your car or otherwise on-the-go.


Shannon Robnett Industries’ LinkedIn: A broader take on our approach to business. We post about topics like communication in business and how opportunities & partnerships make our investment deals better.